Monday, August 31, 2009


Welcome to my blog! I decided to start a blog as a way to keep in touch with friends and family as I venture around Ireland while attending Trinity College, Dublin.

I can't believe the move is almost here! This summer has absolutely flown by and I have no clue how September is nearly here. eek. I'm so excited to move to Dublin and be a student again. I guess I'm nerdy like that.

Thanks for stopping by the blog. Let the countdown begin!


  1. Hi Molly,
    I just saw your note on my blog and thought I would stop by to say hi. Sorry I haven't replied earlier. I've been running around like crazy with last minute details. I'm sure you are in the same boat! I'm leaving two weeks from tomorrow to complete my MPhil in International Peace Studies. I would love to keep in touch and meet up in Dublin. My email is Have a safe flight and see you in Dublin :)

