Monday, December 21, 2009

Kozy Kitchen

I realized today (while marveling yet again at the size of our kitchen) that I never posted photos of the Barbie & Ken kitchen.

I'm sure the sheer massiveness of this culinary wonder will make all of you want to rush and book a flight out here just to witness it.  I'll take reservations for the first 15 to reply.  10 days advance notice required.
Stairway to heaven...uh, I mean kitchen.
My room is to the left.

envious of the counter and cabinet space, aren't you?
the kettle (to left of toaster) has been my pal since I moved here.  I think I've drank enough hot tea to fill a small swimming pool.

The mysterious "microwave/convection oven" - haven't yet tested out this bad boy.
Note the kind notices from housekeeping to defrost our freezers "on a regular basis" - yeah, that hasn't happened yet and I don't really see it on any of our to-do lists. 

As if the generous counter and cabinet space didn't amaze you enough, take a gander at the 2-hob stove (yes, they are hobs here, not burners) and humongous refrigerator.
Did I mention that 4 people share this place?

Quiz:  What is missing from this gastronomic phenomenon?
A.  wine rack(s)
B.  wine refrigerator
C.  oven
D.  all of the above

The first person to provide a correct answer wins ... I dunno, something Irish.  Maybe a Guinness or some Butler's chocolate?

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