Thursday, December 24, 2009

Smoking = Stinky Winky

I forgot to add the funniest part of my Kinsale trip!

On the train back from Cork to Dublin, I experienced the funniest thing.  I was blogging away when it happened, so here is what I wrote:

Smoking = Stinky Winky.
So I’m on the train now back from Cork; my seat is right next to the doorway. It’s a 3-hr (non-smoking) train ride as it stops at about 5 other locations to pick up other passengers. At each stop, the doors open for probably 30 seconds to pick up passengers – it’s not like it’s a delayed stop. The girl next to me probably got on the train about a half hour after I did and is also headed to Dublin. After being on this train for 1 hour, she told her brother that she needs a smoke, so at the next stop she made her getaway for a few puffs on the platform and was back seconds later. Ahhh, fresh smoky air now fills the train.

It’s common knowledge that nicotine is addicting, but seriously? You can’t last for two and a half hours without a puff? Ok, I will freely admit that in my former years I unfortunately fell victim to a few chosen nights that led to “social smoking” (Rachel, Rusty, Jessica – I specifically blame you for this.), but it’s gross. To all my smoker friends, it’s nothing personal, but in addition to being a tad unhealthy, smoking is stinky!

OMG. This story just got so much better. We are about 10 minutes from the Dublin station. The brother-sister duo are heading to see relatives for Christmas (tomorrow is Christmas Eve). Apparently, their family does not know they smoke (which to me seems shocking, given the number of people that smoke over here), so the brother just reached into his suitcase, pulled out air freshener and – I’m not kidding – sprayed his entire body with it. Mmmm, now the smell of smoke has been replaced with the smell of Glade. Can’t quite figure out the exact scent. Should I ask him why he did not spray sis? She could probably use a little freshen-up.

Just when I thought I'd nearly seen it all.  Too funny.  Oh, Glade.  You're so multipurpose.  Who knew?

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