Thursday, September 24, 2009

Farewell for Now, Part III (of III!)

And we're off!

Today (Tuesday, 22 Sept) was travel day #1, from here at SNA

to here at DTW

...aahh, breathe...

Call it an unusually long layover, but I choose to call it a much-needed and enjoyable family reunion!  After landing in Detroit around 7pm today, my parents picked me up and headed to a hotel in Ann Arbor (home of some unknown football team... maize and blue?) for a small Irish gathering.  Thanks so much to my sisters Patti, Karla and Maureen, niece Rachel, my brother Davey, and of course Mom and Dad for making the trek down and spending a fun evening together!  For those who couldn't make it, we missed you, but fear not - we had a drink in your honor.

The food was grand (thanks for the tofu dish - yummy!) and we had a lot of laughs.  I think we can all agree that Mom and Dad now have no excuse to not make that Ireland trip!  ("mmm hhmm, thanks, kids...") 

After not sleeping for the prior 48+ hours, I had a fantastic 7 hrs sleep.  Unfortunately, this meant that I unknowingly missed breakfast with my parents and Karla and Rachel, but they woke me up to say goodbye.  Then we were off to the airport for my flight to JFK then on to Dublin!

mommy and me at DTW (a few short minutes before I engaged in a brief battle with the Delta guy regarding my luggage fee.  I won.  :)

Thanks, Mom and Dad, for lightening my suitcases a bit.  And for the hotel stay and drive back to the airport.  And for putting up with my brief breakdown upon arrival :)

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