Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sept 24, 2009: Arthur's Day!

After the LLM reception, my new friend Juliette invited me out with her friends who were meeting her at Front Gate. 

Conveniently, today was Arthur's Day, a day to celebrate 250 years of The Guinness Brewing Company and, of course, Sir Arthur himself.  Read about it here.

I had read about this before I moved here but had forgotten about it until tonight.  The day's events took place across the globe and were broadcast live in certain areas.  At 5:59pm worldwide, you were supposed to raise a glass of the dark goodness to Sir Arthur Guinness.  Did you?  (I was still in the LLM reception, so we raised glasses of wine instead.)

We left the LLM reception around 7pm, then met Juliette's friends at Front Gate and headed to the pubs to celebrate Arthur's Day.  Side streets were closed off for this fun evening and people were enjoying their Guinness in the streets.  We enjoyed a drink at Dame Tavern outside with everyone else.

We then headed to grab some food at l'Gueuleton , a french restaurant down the street.  Delicious and reasonably-priced.  I had "Cassoulet of Salt Cod and Mussels with Haricots Blanc and Crispy Breadcrumbs" in a saffron butter sauce.  Translation:  YUM.


After dinner, we headed to a pub upstairs, had a beer and called it a night. 

My first day in my new city.  I love it already.

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