Saturday, September 26, 2009

"Fresher's Week" at Trinity + Joining Student Societies

This is probably what U.S. universities would call Orientation Week.  The semester officially begins next week, but I wasn't in any hurry to get here as my LLM reception was not until yesterday.  However, it appears that many of the undergrad students have been here all week and probably for one main reason:  they want to party.  Ah, undergrad days. 

There are signs posted and flyers all over campus advertising loads of theme parties at various clubs and venues.  I'm sure they are fun for the undergrads, but I would not venture to any of these unless I wanted to feel really old. 

I did partake in one part of Fresher's Week:  I joined several student societies.  Front Square is full of students manning the society tables in hopes of luring in your, uh, your loyal membership.  Most societies charge between €2 to €4 to join.  The return on investment:  lower cost to attend events, a discount card to various places, a list-serve, etc.

Here are the societies I joined:
 - International Students Society
 - Philosophical Society (aka "The Phil") (note for Lexi and Susie:  Bono spoke at a Phil event a few years ago...)
 - Sign Language Society
 - Climbing Club
 - Dance Society
 - Law Society
 - Food and Drink Society

I'm most anxious for the Climbing Club, as we get to use the indoor climbing wall in the Sports Centre.  It sounds like a good number of CC members do actual climbing events around Ireland, so we'll see how brave I become after a few lessons.  I had read about this society over this summer during my many sessions of sitting on the sofa exploring all I could find out about Trinity.  I probably wasted a lot of time doing that when I should have been enjoying my summer. 

This summer I had also read about the Dance Society, which sounds like a lot of fun.  I have no clue how to do the salsa, cha-cha, waltz, but I'm willing to try!  I have been known to bust out a mean Roger Rabbit or Cabbage Patch at the office (hey, stress results in insanity at times), but I somehow doubt those would be useful here.

The Phil is mainly known for debating events, which I don't see myself participating in.  I joined it for their speaking events and look forward to observing some good debates amongst students and guest speakers.  Lexi and Susie, I'll keep my eye open for a Bono reappearance.

Tonight the International Students' Society (ISS) is hosting a wine reception in the Atrium, which is a small meeting place near Front Square.  Many societies can make use of this space for similar events, and many societies in general have their offices in other parts of the Atrium.  I don't know anyone yet, but it should be fun to check it out briefly.

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