Wednesday, November 4, 2009

DaPino restaurant and DUISS Film Night

So on Monday I finally registered at the Trinity Sports Centre, which basically just consisted of showing them my student ID and smiling for a system photo.  I then ran some errands and had lunch at Da Pino Ristorante, which is just up Dame Street on the corner of Parliament St.  My friend Erin had recommended this place a couple weeks ago, telling me about their early bird lunch special - 9.95 for a 2-course meal and coffee/tea. 

It was delicious!  For my starter I had a salad, then for my main I had pizza with prawns, tomatoes and goat cheese.  yummers.  The pizza was huge, so now I have at least 2 more meals out of this.  Very student-budget friendly.

The restaurant was quiet and relaxing, decent service.  I sat there with my newly-acquired Sports Centre class schedule and planned my ideal gym schedule.  I also finally wrote a few thank-you cards, something that's been on the to-do list for weeks now.  I'd recommend this restaurant to friends.

This week's DUISS film was The Motorcycle Diaries, the story about Ernesto "Che" Guevara.  I'd heard great things about this movie, but never saw it until now.  I really liked it.  It told a good story, had some fun humor and didn't get into the political aspect of his life later on.  Great performances by both leads, especially Rodrigo de la Serna, who made me chuckle.  If you've seen it, what did you think of it?

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