Monday, November 2, 2009

Dun Laoghaire

While I was at Juliette's this weekend, we took a walk from her house to Dun Laoghaire (pronounced Dun Leary), a seaside town about 6 miles south of Dublin.  Dun Laoghaire had long been on my to-see list.  We didn't walk through the town today, just Dun Laoghaire Harbour.

I didn't have my camera with me, but here is a photo from this website:

We walked along the west pier on Saturday morning.  Apparently the east pier is a bit bigger and more touristy so therefore typically more crowded, especially on weekends. 

Before walking the pier, we stopped in for lunch at The Purty Kitchen, just up the street from the harbour.  I had seafood chowder and a yummy open-faced salmon sandwich.  Once again, I could have just done with the chowder alone, as it is typically served with brown bread.  I think I've finally learned my lesson on this!  

The Purty Kitchen

It was a nice day when we left Juliette's house - nice enough that we almost sat outside for lunch, but it was a bit windy so we decided to eat indoors.  We then walked down the pier, had a bit of sun at first, then saw some ominous clouds in the distance. 

It started lightly sprinkling but it actually felt nicely refreshing....until the downpour that soon followed!  Luckily we were already walking back up the pier.  We were soaked!  No umbrella (I actually don't own one out here, can you believe it?  It's never really a huge downpour and I'm usually fine with a hood.) and no shops to pop into to seek shelter! 

However, we were soon back near the Purty, so we stopped in there for a few minutes.  5 minutes later the rain stopped and it soon turned nice and sunny again for our walk home.

Dun Laoghaire:  check.

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