Saturday, January 16, 2010

Exam Week: C'est fini!

Yippee!  I'm done!

Am I out partying?  Hell no.  I'm flippin exhausted.  Per usual, I hardly slept this week.  Last night I slept for one hour.  I know, I know.  I can just hear my mother now:  "Molly Kathleen, your brain needs food and rest."  Yeah, well, I also need to pass my exams.  Yes, I know the two don't exactly mix, but I couldn't have confidently sat the past 2 exams if I didn't study through all possible hours. 

Before the Monday exams were cancelled (see prior post), I would have originally been finished with exams yesterday, but the Globalisation Law exam was rescheduled for today.

Overall I feel pretty good about exams.  I think I kicked some serious derriere on the Product Liability exam, did pretty well on the Globalisation & The Law exam, and did so-so on the Private International Law exam.  I'm so happy PIL is over.  In studying for that exam, I hardly used my class notes and opted for using the book the lecturer suggested in the reading list.  Had I just read this little gem of a book instead of even going to class, I could have understood it all so much better.  Ugh.  For PIL exam, we were allowed to take in clean copies of the Rome II Regulation (law applicable to non-contractual obligations) as well as the Brussels I Regulation (jurisdiction, enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters), but I hardly touched them.  You either know it or you don't.

The nice thing about exams is that they were all just a few buildings away from me, in the beautiful GMB, in the same room where the debates take place.  I felt very scholarly with all of those huge paintings of former scholars staring down at me.
After the Globalisation exam ended at 11.30, I somehow agreed to go the The Pav with Juliette and Dave, another classmate.  After the freezing cold weather earlier this week, today is truly a gorgeous day.  We actually sat outside at the Pav with a pint for an hour or so, then went inside when 2 other friends arrived.  I switched to water, sat back on the sofa and relaxed with friends.  Now I'm back in the cozy dorm, ready for sleep.

Hooray for exams being over!  Now it's time for sleep.

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