Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Holy Cold Weather, Batman.

Chilly.Willy.  I'm studying for exams in my room and I couldn't have on more layers if i tried.  If I did, I would surely look like the kid in A Christmas Story.

Look, I grew up in cold temps, I can hang.  But these past few days have made me question whether living in California for the past 10 years has turned me into a wimp.

Can anyone make one of these for me, please? 
I'd actually like two, if possible.  One in this lovely pink, one in dark grey, please. 
With extra warm and cuddly-soft cashmere.  Merci beaucoup.

In the interest of saving time, I'm again pasting an email I wrote to friends and family back home. 

Hello from exams week at Trinity!

Last week was the official start to exams (interestingly, many undergrad courses do not have exams in January, but rather they are tested in April/May on things they were taught during fall and spring term together...I would much prefer exams each semester, ugh - imagine the pressure they must be under in april...). I have my first exam TOMORROW in Private International Law. Eek. There is so much to know, it's scary. Then Product Liability is Thursday, Globalisation and the Law is Friday. I'll be done by 1130 GMT on Friday - yay!

anyway, thought i'd quickly share part of my "cold weather" experience and try to give you a smile and/or have something to be thankful for in your beautiful california weather!

It's cold here. not unbearable cold, but cold. it's 36F today, but the past few days have been under 20F. Yesterday I left my dorm building for the first time in 4 days, and that was solely to return library books and run right back. turn up your heater, you say? ah, well... if only it were that simple. these dorms aren't exactly ranking in the top category re: "modern heating" technologies, and the large window in front of my desk is a bit drafty. anyway, right now i'm sitting at my desk (where i've been since 7am) with the following to keep me warm:
  • yoga pants
  • 2 pairs socks
  • tank top, long sleeve shirt, short sleeve shirt. I thought this would be warm enough. No. I then put a sweater (aka a "jumper" as they say here) over that, along with:
  • scarf
  • . . . legs and toes keeping warm inside the sleeves of my ski jacket (!)
  • blanket(s) - one covering legs, the other around my shoulders
are you laughing yet? my feet were freezing, so that's the best idea i could come up with. at the very least this should allow you to appreciate your warm weather, modern heating...and no studying. :)

Oh, almost forgot: our Globalisation exam was supposed to be yesterday...but they cancelled exams campus-wide due to 2 inches of snow and potential freezing rain. As a former Michigander, this was hilarious to me. to their defense, it was a tad slippery outside. I guess they rarely get snow here, so when it happens they aren't 100% prepared for it. Oh well, more time for me to study!

anyway, study break is over. Hope all is well in warm ca.



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