Thursday, January 14, 2010

Mom, I'm Studying and "Feeding My Brain"

This is exams week.  I've stocked up on healthy food to keep me going.  It also gave me a fine excuse to take a study break and leave the house to run to the market.

Check out my healthy exam meal options:
Porridge.  It's not just for Goldilocks anymore.
mix this with a bit of honey or Nutella - yum.

oh my yumminess. 
seriously, this is good grub, especially with fresh irish butter

these things always sparked my curiosity, so i decided to test them out.
pretty tasty, but they put you in food coma.  a bit heavy.
half of one toasted with honey is quite nice.

The tap water here:  not so appealing.
I've gone thru several of these puppies.

Some Irish food, not all, can be a bit bland.
These two can make the blandest meal appealing.
Tip:  try the TJ lemon pepper on hummus.  yum.

Tea and honey.  A nightly necessity.

And of course, what would study week be without...
ah yes, ramen noodles.  the sodium-filled staple of students everywhere.
I haven't hit this low yet, but I'm sure I will.  When I do, these will be waiting for me.  Just add a slice of cheese and it's a gourmet meal.

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