Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy 2010!

Happy New Year!  It's hard to believe it's January already.  2009 definitely had its fantastic ups and not-so-fun downs.  To say that the end of 2009 sucked would be an understatement.
In 2010, I'm determined to live life to its fullest because, well, it's just too damn short.  I have this wonderful opportunity that I'm living out here, and I need to start appreciating it more.  There is so much to do and see, so many places to experience.  I've set a goal of visiting one new country per month during the rest of my time here in Ireland.  (January might be the exception though, as I have a tiny obstacle called 'exams'.)  Traveling within Europe is so inexpensive, I'd be foolish not to take advantage of it while I'm here.  Anyone care to join me in random travels?  I'd like to see Prague, Madrid, anywhere in Scotland, England, Wales, Portugal, Netherlands, Norway or Sweden, many choices over here for so little $$.  I've been to Italy and France before, but would love to go back and explore a new city in each...Venice?  Cinque Terre is definitely on the list.  Monaco?  Anyone have suggestions on places in Europe to visit?

30 Dec 2009
As far as New Years Eve goes, I went out with Jessica and we had a fantastic time.  We weren't sure where to go, so on NYE-Eve (30Dec), (after going to Ikea!) we went on a very impromptu pub crawl to check out venues for NYE!  We started out at 4 Dame Lane, then made our way to Fitzsimons, The Church, The SouthWilliam and ended the night at Dandelion.  Whew!  All in the name of research.  Aren't we dedicated?!

31 Dec 2009
Snow!  We began the night with 2 cocktails at The Shelbourne hotel bar, as we were in the mood for something shi-shi.  We then parked it upstairs at 4 Dame Lane for the rest of the evening, having a fun time watching trainwrecks transpire throughout the night.  We also spotted some interesting dance moves going on.  When we left the bar, the streets were full of snow!  It had snowed earlier in the night, but this was crazy!  Apparently it rarely snows here, so the icy sidewalks later that night (or i should say early morning) became an adult playground. intoxicated people + icy sidewalks = bad mix

Jessica and me on NYE

Happy New Year everyone!  How did you celebrate the new year?

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