Wednesday, October 28, 2009

DUISS Film Night: Ron Lola, Run

Each Tuesday during term, the International Students Society has a free film playing in either the Arts Block theatres or the Hamilton building theatres.  We usually get an email midday Monday telling us about 1) this week's film; 2) that weekend's DUISS activity (nearly every Saturday, usually somewhere local to explore); 3) any upcoming weekend trips; and/or 4) any upcoming campus activities that DUISS is taking part in, such as the upcoming Halloween party.

This week's movie was a German film called (in German) Lola Rennt, which means "Lola Runs"; the English version is titled Run Lola, Run.  Here is the DUISS email description of the movie:

For this week's International Film Showing, we're heading to Germany. "Run Lola Run", also known as "Lola Rennt", is a fast-paced and energetic tale of a young woman in Germany who has twenty minutes to find and bring 100,000 Deutschmarks to her boyfriend before he robs a supermarket.
The film will take place in the Robert Emmet theatre, Arts Block, at 7.15pm on Tuesday 27th October. As usual, entry is free!
Have any of you seen this film?  Did you like it?  I liked it!  It was definitely not your typical film, but that's why I liked it.  It's very fast-paced, fast music, not a lot of script (not necessary) and takes you through various alternate endings.  It did make me think at first of Sliding Doors, but thankfully this was much better at the alt ending concept.  The overall theme of the film is basically that we all make choices in everything we do each day, our decisions and actions can affect lives of others, etc.  Check out a trailer here, and a longer 10 min clip here.
I noted some students get up in the middle and walk out.  I'm guessing this was because they didn't like the film but then again there was a Halloween party that night, so who knows.  Notably, this film was shown in one of the smaller classrooms as opposed to the usual lecture theatre (last minute change, not sure why), so perhaps DUISS expected the smaller crowd for this film for various reasons.
A little internet research told me that this film was Germany's highest grossing film in 1998 and it also won a Sundance award.  Have I been living under a rock in not hearing of this movie until now?  Must have been rather popular, as a google image search also took me to a photo of a girl who dressed as Lola for Halloween!  (check it out here)   
Anyway, it's a short film (less than 90 min?) that I'd definitely recommend checking out.  If you watch it, leave me a comment and let me know if you liked it!  If you have seen it, is it me or does Lola's father look like Hugo Weaving?!  (it's not him.  thanks, imdb, you're pretty handy for these things!)

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