Saturday, October 17, 2009

Trinity Guest Lecturer: Chief Justice of India

This past Wednesday I attended a special lecture given by Mr. Chief Justice Balakrishnan from the Supreme Court of India.  The title of the presentation was "Judicial Activism Under the Indian Constitution".

The lecture was overall interesting, and it was an honor to be in the same room with Mr. Chief Justice.  I had difficulty in understanding everything he was saying at times, but could understand his discussion on the procedural and hierarchical aspects of the Supreme Court of India, social and political aspects of the Court as well as some human rights issues and gender equality issues that were touched on.

You can read about the details of the lecture here.  Even better, here is a pdf of his speech.

Trinity has recently added a new course offering next semester:  Judicial Activism, Human Rights and the Indian Constitution.  While I will probably not take this for a credit course next term, I would be interested to sit in on a few of the lectures.

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