Monday, October 19, 2009

Law School Staff-Student Walk in Howth

Yesterday I went to Howth again, this time for a law school staff-student walk.  I'm glad I went, as I met a few more LLM-ers.  I'd say around 20 people total went on the walk.

I met a few LLM students on the DART, some Irish, some international, from places such as Switzerland, Zimbabwe, France and Luxembourg. 
Howth Dart Station

When we got off the DART in Howth, we did not yet see any faculty, so I decided to grab a coffee across the street.  I told the group from the train what I was doing and said I'd be right back.  Luckily a few guys from class decided to join me, because in the end everyone left without us!  I am thankful that I had been to Howth before with the GSU, but there are several paths one could take for the walk, and none of us knew where the group went.  I was a bit annoyed that the group left us, especially when we asked them to wait.  The 3 guys I was with had never been to Howth before, and it's not like we all have each others' phone numbers, so we didn't know who to call.  Ggrrr.

In the end, it all worked out fine.  I led the guys up the same path we took on the GSU walk, figuring it was the most common.  We eventually met up with the group and the resting spot, then enjoyed a nice walk down near the lighthouse, through some beautiful neighborhoods around Howth Head, then up a hill that gave us fantastic views.  I didn't take my camera with me this time, but I have great memories of the new places I saw in Howth.  While on the top of the hill, we met a canine friend (a black lab mix) who stayed with us for quite a while.

Before getting back on the DART, most of the class stopped at The Bloody Stream (same place we went to with GSU...gotta love that name, huh?) for a quick pint or coffee.  I then headed home, studied and went to the computer lab to catch up on news and email.

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