Sunday, October 18, 2009

High Heels + Cobblestones = Ouchie

My feet hurt.  It's time to invest in sensible shoes.  Thank you, cobblestones, for providing me with this excuse to shop for new shoes!

I have barely been here a month and have already worn the heels on my black boots and another pair of shoes down to the metal pin in the heel, resulting in the click-click sound of metal hitting cobblestones.  Ouchie for the ears, double ouchie for my feet. 


I see 3 solutions to this problem:

1) Wear Flats + Find Tailor
Music to my podiatrist's ears, I imagine. I like wearing flats, but all of my pants are too long.  Certain brands' petite pants are even too long (Paige denim comes to mind).  I should probably start looking around Dublin for a tailor.  It will be tough to match my favorite tailor in Costa Mesa, Mr. Spatola (best tailor ever, especially for keeping original jean cuffs), but I'm sure I can find something comparable. 

2) Buy Sensible Shoes
Ok, fine, I'll go shopping, twist my arm.  I think Aldo and Clark's have a nice selection of shoes capable of being sensible yet still fashionable.  Ooh, and Aldo offers a 10% student discount!

3) DIY
I found this nifty DIY instructional here.  However, I don't know where I'd buy the necessary tools and accessories to get the job done.  I don't own a vice grip.  I'd rather pay a shoe cobbler and know he'll do it right - I'm pretty sure I'd screw it up.  Also, this still won't truly solve the ouch factor.

Blogging about this has now made me curious about the physical ramifications of wearing high heels.  I recall my podiatrist's comments about certain shoes I wore.  I googled and found this pdf below.  (Conda and my other high-heel loving friends, you may want to avert your eyes!)
It seems my knee problem may not be solely linked to running...
And Mom, remember how I jokingly thanked you for giving me the bunion problem?  Well, I may have encouraged that genetic trait a bit on my own...

Why do we do it?!

Ok, I've decided to combine this shopping excuse with a new Dublin experience:  The Luas, Dublin's light rail system.  It's not an extensive system, it only has 2 lines, but I can catch it at St. Stephen's Green and take it to Dundrum, where I can then walk to Dundrum Shopping Centre.

Any other recommendations?  Where do you find sensible yet fashionable shoes?  For all of my vertically-challenged friends, do you have a favorite tailor for all of those too-long pants and jeans?

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