Monday, October 19, 2009

Jack White at Trinity!

This one's for you, Joanna!

Jack White spoke at the GMB (Graduates Memorial Building) this evening.  I forgot about it until about 30 minutes beforehand, so by the time I walked to the GMB to wait in line, they already filled the room to capacity.  Bummer.  I heard he was a great speaker last year and was hoping to see him this year.

However, I waited on the steps of the GMB in the off-chance that they might let more people in.  Good thing I waited around!  No, they didn't let anyone else in.  However, a black car soon pulled up right in front of me.  The driver got out, opened the back door and escorted Mr. Jack White to the GMB steps.  He said a cheery "hello" to the students on the steps and gave an autograph, as you can see here: 
I really like Jack White.  I'm sorry I missed him, but it was kinda fun to be right there when he pulled up.  Although it felt just a tad touristy, I couldn't help but snap a quick pic.  Joanna, sorry it's not the best photo, but you can enjoy from afar, right?

The Phil organized this event.  They have a long list of honored guests from years past, including:  John. C. Reilly, Sir Bob Geldof, Tommy Hilfiger, John McCain, Trent Lott, Desmond Tutu, John Negroponte, Bono (Susie and Lexi, I'll be sure to report any sightings), Naomi Campbell, Mary Robinson, Helen Mirren, Gabriel Byrne (Lin, I'm still keeping my eye out for look-alikes!), Al Pacino, Oliver Stone, Bill O'Reilly, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and ... wait for it ... The Hoff.  (M&N girls, remember the Hoff and Gary Coleman photo at the office?)

Although I missed out on hearing Jack White's discussion, I'm keeping my eyes and ears open for future guest speaker announcements!

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